The benefits and challenges of AI marketing tools for your business

Future Tech Frontier
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Thinking of using AI marketing tools for your business? Use these tips to know some of the advantages and disadvantages of using AI for marketing.

If you’re keeping up with trends, you’ve probably already heard about all the developments in the world of Artificial Intelligence, or AI. And if you’re in marketing, you already know how important it is to take advantage of these developments as quickly as you can. AI has been making huge waves in the marketing industry, and as a quick-thinking marketer, it’s your job to stay up-to-date, and grab at the opportunities AI is throwing your way. 
There are plenty of ways you can use AI to boost your marketing campaigns. The recent emergence of AI marketing tools has made it much easier for marketers to generate creative content, automate marketing campaigns, and come up with new ideas on how to appeal to customers in the most unique way possible. 
If you’re looking for ideas on how to incorporate AI into your marketing strategy, we can help you out. Here are a few ways AI can help you elevate your marketing in no time. 

What AI can do

1) Generate unique, creative content 

Quality content is an integral part of good marketing. To have an effective marketing strategy, you need to be able to write good, engaging content that is not only relatable, but also optimized for SEO. Luckily, with the emergence of AI, you don’t have to spend hours in front of a blank screen waiting for inspiration to hit so you can start typing. 
AI writing assistant tools like have been built to help you generate high quality content for your marketing campaigns. Whether you’re in need of a long-form blog post for your blog, catchy social media ad copies, or even fun slogans for your next campaign, you can use tools like to generate quick, engaging content in minutes. All you have to do is provide the tool with a bunch of seed words, and it’ll give you the results you want. 
How do AI writing assistant tools help? 

  1. They help free up all the time you would have spent manually coming up with content, and leave more time for other marketing activities. 
  2. They’re also efficient, quick, and have the ability to provide you with different types of content for different purposes. 
  3. They help you gain information on different areas so your content can be informative and useful for your audience. 
  4. They help you come up with creative ideas for short form content like social media posts, ad copy, and more!

2) Conduct research and get quick solutions 

If you’re still in the research phase of your next marketing campaign, AI can help speed things up. There are a bunch of different AI tools that can help you conduct research, give you answers to difficult questions, and provide feasible solutions to your problems. 
Chatgpt is a great example of such a tool. Whether you need it to write a research strategy, help you figure out what your target market looks like, or even generate useful code to help you with analytics or programming-related questions. All you need to do is provide the tool with a specific prompt with precise details, and it’ll provide you with the answer you need. 
How can this help? AI tools like Chatgpt are connected to the internet, so you won’t have to spend ages surfing the web to find the answers you’re looking for. You can just ask the tool, and it’ll tell you what you need to know! 
It is, however, important to note that some AI tools might not always be accurate. So take that information with a grain of salt, and use your tools wisely! 

3) Schedule communication for the right time using behavior profiling

Ever wish you could know what the best time to send out a text message or an email to your customer is? A time when you’re sure they’ll be on their device and open it as soon as they receive it? Well, AI can help you do that. 
Imagine you’ve created a fabulous email marketing campaign on PosterMyWall, with beautiful email templates, a huge mailing list, and great offers embedded into your email. You don’t want to send it out immediately, but you’re also not sure when it should be sent out. Well, AI email tools like Seventh Sense rely on using behavior profiling to attract customer attention. By observing the behavior of your target audience, this AI marketing tool determines the best time for you to send emails to each group of customers. It can also personalize your results so you can know which customers are most responsive at what time. 
Based on this advanced knowledge from AI, you can use a content planner to schedule your email campaigns for the right time, and ensure a high open rate every time. 

4) Use chatbots to enhance customer communication

It can often be hard to effectively respond to every customer, and this can often lead to angry customers complaining about a lack of response and no help. Luckily, AI can help you solve that problem. 
The use of AI chatbots on your website can allow you to generate timely, personalized responses for your customers and ensure that each customer complaint is responded to in time. How does this help you? Well, an effective and efficient response system on your website is one of the biggest indicators of a well-established business. If you’re ensuring a strong, efficient support system with AI, you’re essentially adding to your marketing arsenal too. 

What AI can’t do

While AI is super useful for your marketing strategy, it is important to note that AI marketing tools should always be used carefully. After all, there’s only so much that artificial intelligence can replace. Here are some challenges to consider when using AI in marketing:

1) Insufficient or outdated information

While AI can give you a lot of solutions and information, there is the possibility that an AI marketing tool has insufficient, or sometimes even inaccurate data for something. Many times, companies may struggle with providing their AI algorithms with the right volume of data, so you might not always get exactly what you need. 
When using an AI marketing tool for research or data purposes, it is always important to fact check your information to avoid any misquotes or issues along the way. 

2) Lack of a human element 

While AI is great at generating fabulous content, both visual and written, there is often the possibility that AI generated content may not sound as human and relatable as content written by an actual person. To avoid this, it is often best to have a team member proofread AI generated content once before using it in marketing. 

3) Inability to use AI efficiently 

A lot of times, our own team isn’t very receptive to AI taking over a lot of their tasks. Which is why they may not be as open to using AI marketing tools very efficiently. The best thing to do here is constantly reassure your team that their input will always remain valuable, and that they are integral to the company’s overall marketing success. 


AI marketing tools are all the rage these days, mostly because they make your life easier and allow you to optimize your marketing process. This blog post highlights the benefits and challenges to consider when using AI for marketing. Remember to take these into account before using that tool, so that you can make the most efficient use of AI for your next marketing campaign.

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