Amazing ways to make your Instagram photos stand out

Future Tech Frontier
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Ready to up your Instagram posting game? Start by using these techniques to make your Insta photos stand out from the crowd.

Whether you use Instagram as a hobby or a way to monetize your passions, using photos that stand out is key. As of 2017, there were over 95 million photos and videos shared every day— that’s almost 66 thousand per minute! Also, the daily user count has increased since then!

Between the incredible amount of posts and ever-changing algorithm, it’s easy for your content to get lost in the crowd. Here are some amazing ways to make your Instagram photos stand out in the feed.

Learn the basics of photography

Before you get to the point with hashtags and filters, you need to take high-quality images. While editing can elevate your image and make it more visually stimulating, the quality of the original image is the foundation for success.

Take the time to learn more about the basics of photography. Some of the critical focal points include:

  • Lighting – natural, diffused lighting or golden hour light is often best for images. It’s also worth investing in a simple ring light or portable lighting setup if you’re serious about standing out on Instagram.
  • Stability – holding your phone or camera still is essential to take crisp, clear images. Use a tripod and timer or remote for better Instagram photos.
  • Composition – mind the rule of thirds when taking images, making them more balanced and captivating.

These focal points are just the tip of the iceberg but serve as a great starting point for taking great photos.

Perfect the “non-edit” edit

Instagram has evolved tremendously over the past decade, as have best practices for posts. Users no longer want to see heavy filters and grainy images. Instead, those images should appear somewhat natural and realistic. In essence, you want the viewer to be able to picture themselves in the scene.

Facetune has the best selfie apps on iPhone & Android, offering simple edits to enhance a photo without making it seem unnatural. This tool is ideal for those taking self-portraits and human-centric photos. Lightroom is another effective editing tool for landscape and food photography, allowing for the use of preset bundles.

Create an aesthetic

The term “aesthetic” has become a buzzword in social media in recent years. When applied to Instagram, this term refers to a general mood, tone, and theme— in essence, brand elements.

To create an aesthetic, start with your core goals and values to shape your subject matter. From there, pick a color palette and filter setting that creates a cohesive theme from image to image; you want someone to recognize an image as yours as they scroll by. 

Consider the grid

Getting your images to stand out on Instagram requires a bit of planning. You’ll need to think beyond the individual photo and consider your grid in its entirety. Your grid should act as a mosaic of your aesthetic and be organized in a way that’s engaging and eye-catching when someone finds your profile.

Create a hashtag blend

While having high-quality, aesthetically pleasing photography is essential to make your photos pop on Instagram, it’s just the first part of the puzzle. You also need relevant hashtags to ensure your photos are getting in front of the desired audience.

Many amateurs make the mistake of targeting high-traffic hashtags with over a million uses. The challenge here is that they’re used so often that you’re unlikely to gain any traction on the discovery page. Instead, create a hashtag blend that uses a couple of hashtags with over 1 million uses, 5-10 in the 100 thousand range, and 5-10 with under 10 thousand.

Pay attention to insights

Finally, pay attention to your insights to adjust your strategy as needed. Note what type of images perform best. For example, you might notice that photos featuring people perform better than scenery photos. Use your findings to direct your future photoshoots. 

With these simple tips, you can create captivating photos that stand out on Instagram.

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