10 Tech Companies That Are Leading The Way In Diversity And Inclusion

Future Tech Frontier
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Tech companies have long been criticized for their lack of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. However, there are several companies that are leading the way in creating a more diverse and inclusive environment. One such company is Intel, which has made significant strides in increasing diversity in their workforce.

They have set a goal of achieving full representation of women and underrepresented minorities in their workforce by 2020. Another company that has been recognized for their efforts in diversity and inclusion is Salesforce. They have implemented several initiatives, including their Women’s Network and Employee Resource Groups, to create a more inclusive workplace.

Other tech companies that have made strides in this area include Google, Microsoft, and Airbnb. It is encouraging to see these companies taking steps towards creating a more diverse and inclusive industry, and hopefully, others will follow their lead.

1. Cisco

Cisco (2.50)

Cisco is one of the leading tech companies that has been making significant strides towards diversity and inclusion. The company has a strong commitment to promoting diversity in its workforce, and it has implemented various initiatives to ensure that its employees feel valued and supported.

One of the company’s most notable efforts is its Diversity and Inclusion program, which focuses on promoting diversity across all aspects of the company, from recruitment to retention. Cisco also has a range of employee resource groups that support underrepresented groups, including women, people of color, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

Additionally, the company’s leadership is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion, and they have made it clear that these values are a top priority for the company. Overall, Cisco’s efforts towards diversity and inclusion have made it a leading example in the tech industry.

2. Microsoft

Microsoft (3.44)

Microsoft is a tech giant that has made significant strides in promoting diversity and inclusion within its company. The company has implemented various programs and initiatives to create a diverse and inclusive workplace, including training programs, employee resource groups, and mentorship opportunities. Microsoft also actively seeks out diverse talent in its recruitment efforts and has committed to increasing the number of women and minorities in leadership positions.

The company has set a goal to increase the number of black and African American employees in leadership roles by 2025. In addition, Microsoft has publicly advocated for diversity and inclusion in the tech industry and has worked to address bias in artificial intelligence. Through its efforts, Microsoft is setting an example for other tech companies to follow in creating a more diverse and inclusive industry.

3. Facebook

Facebook (3.65)

Facebook is one of the leading tech companies that have been making significant strides in diversity and inclusion. The company has been actively working towards creating an inclusive workplace culture where everyone feels valued and respected.

Facebook has implemented various diversity and inclusion initiatives, such as unconscious bias training and employee resource groups, to promote awareness and understanding of different perspectives and experiences. The company also regularly publishes its diversity statistics, which shows its commitment to transparency and accountability.

Facebook has also been actively investing in diverse talent and partnerships to drive innovation and growth. With its focus on diversity and inclusion, Facebook is setting an example for other companies in the tech industry and beyond to follow.

4. Hewlett-Packard


Hewlett-Packard, commonly known as HP, is a multinational tech company that has been leading the way in diversity and inclusion. With a workforce of over 55,000 employees globally, HP has made significant strides in creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

The company has implemented various programs and initiatives to ensure that all employees feel valued, respected, and supported regardless of their backgrounds. HP has also been recognized for its efforts in promoting gender equality, with women occupying key leadership positions in the company. The company is committed to creating an inclusive culture that embraces diversity and promotes innovation.

HP’s efforts in diversity and inclusion have not only helped to create a more equitable workplace but have also given the company a competitive edge in the tech industry. HP’s commitment to diversity and inclusion serves as an inspiration to other companies looking to create a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

5. Apple


Apple is one of the tech companies that is leading the way in diversity and inclusion. The company has made a concerted effort to foster a diverse and inclusive work environment by implementing a number of policies and initiatives. For example, Apple has set up employee resource groups (ERGs) for underrepresented communities, such as women, African Americans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community.

These groups provide employees with a platform to connect with others who share similar experiences and backgrounds, while also providing leadership opportunities and professional development. Additionally, Apple has made a commitment to increasing the diversity of its workforce, particularly in leadership positions.

The company has set targets for hiring and promoting underrepresented groups, and it regularly reports on its progress towards these goals. Overall, Apple’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusion have earned it recognition as one of the top tech companies in this area.

6. Amazon

Amazon (4.61)

Amazon is one of the leading tech companies that is committed to diversity and inclusion. The company believes that diversity is essential to innovation and that every employee’s unique perspective and experiences make the company stronger.

To achieve this, Amazon has implemented a range of programs and initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. This includes providing unconscious bias training to all employees, establishing employee resource groups, and setting diversity hiring goals. Amazon is also committed to pay equity and ensuring that all employees have equal opportunities for career development and advancement.

These efforts have resulted in a more diverse and inclusive workforce at Amazon, with employees from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences. As a result, Amazon has been recognized as one of the top tech companies for diversity and inclusion.

7. IBM

IBM (4.71)

IBM is a leading tech company that has demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion. The company has implemented numerous initiatives to ensure that all employees feel valued and respected, regardless of their race, gender, or background.

IBM has also taken steps to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in leadership positions, including women and people of color. Through its diversity and inclusion efforts, IBM has created a culture that encourages innovation and creativity, and that values the unique perspectives and experiences of all employees.

The company has received recognition for its efforts, including being named one of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere for the 13th consecutive year. Overall, IBM’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is a key factor in its success as a leading tech company.

8. Oracle

Oracle (5.15)

Oracle is a tech company that has been leading the way in diversity and inclusion. The company has made a commitment to creating a culture of inclusivity, and it shows in its workforce. Oracle has a diverse team of employees from different backgrounds and ethnicities, and it actively promotes diversity in its hiring practices. The company also provides support and resources for its employees, including employee resource groups and mentoring programs.

Oracle’s commitment to diversity and inclusion has been recognized by various organizations, including being named one of the best places to work for LGBTQ+ employees by the Human Rights Campaign. By fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, Oracle is setting an example for other tech companies to follow.

9. Intel

Intel (5.54)

Intel is one of the tech companies leading the way in diversity and inclusion. They have made a commitment to creating an environment where everyone feels valued and respected, regardless of their gender, race, ethnicity, or other personal characteristics. Intel has implemented a number of initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, including training programs for employees and leaders, recruitment efforts to attract a more diverse workforce, and partnerships with organizations that support diversity in the tech industry.

Intel recognizes that a diverse and inclusive workplace is not only the right thing to do, but it also leads to greater innovation and success. By embracing diversity and inclusion, Intel is setting an example for other tech companies to follow and helping to create a more equitable industry for all.

10. Google

Google is one of the leading tech companies that has been recognized for its efforts in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Its commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive culture has been evident in its hiring practices, employee resource groups, and various initiatives. Google has set a goal to increase the representation of underrepresented groups in its workforce, particularly in leadership positions.

It has also implemented training programs to mitigate unconscious biases and foster an inclusive work environment. Additionally, Google has established various employee resource groups, such as the Black Googler Network, Women@Google, and the Disability Alliance, to support and empower diverse employees. Its efforts have earned it recognition as a top diversity employer and a leader in creating an inclusive workplace.


The technology industry has long struggled with issues of diversity and inclusion, with reports of gender and racial disparities in the workplace being all too common. However, there are several tech companies that are leading the way in creating a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

For instance, Salesforce has implemented a comprehensive diversity and inclusion program, which includes regular training and education for employees on topics such as unconscious bias and microaggressions. Microsoft has also made strides in this area, with CEO Satya Nadella calling for a culture of inclusivity and launching initiatives such as the Microsoft Autism Hiring Program.

Other companies such as Intel and Google have also made commitments to increasing diversity in their workforce and have implemented programs to support this goal. These companies are setting an example for the rest of the tech industry, and their efforts are crucial in creating a more equitable and inclusive workplace for all.

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